by Cindy Klinger | Aug 13, 2017 | Food Philosophy, Weight Loss |
Do you eat BLTs every day? No, I don’t mean those savory bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwiches, but something a client of mine told me she learned about in Weight Watchers: bites, licks and tastes. Think about a typical day and where these little extra bits of food...
by Cindy Klinger | Apr 23, 2017 | Weight Loss |
This is a guest post from Berkeley, California-based psychotherapist Ben Ringler (who also happens to be my brother): If you’ve been in a silent struggle for a long time with overeating, desperately hoping that the NEXT meal will leave you pleasantly full rather than...
by Cindy Klinger | Sep 24, 2016 | Weight Loss |
You’ve tried dieting, exercising your tush off, cutting out midday snacks, joining weight loss groups and maybe even hypnosis—but you’ve gained the weight back and then some. Not to mention, you feel frustrated when you keep such close tabs on your...