by Cindy Klinger | Jan 15, 2017 | Food Philosophy, Rewarding Research |
One of the first clients I ever worked with was struggling to lose a lot of weight, and she was an admitted emotional eater. During one session, I introduced to her the concept of mindful eating, and encouraged her to follow some of the mindful eating guidelines:...
by Cindy Klinger | Nov 19, 2016 | Rewarding Research |
I’m not big on talking about weight loss. I enjoy working with people around their weight and weight management, but I prefer to focus on health and wellness. The weight is secondary. But, I recognize that weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry affecting...
by Cindy Klinger | Nov 4, 2016 | Rewarding Research |
Turns out, consistency might not only be important when it comes to exercise, but what you choose to drink too. Let me explain: Most mornings, I have a smoothie for breakfast. Not just any smoothie, but a full-bodied, creamy one. I prefer my smoothie on the thicker...